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Benefits Of Requesting An OTC Eye Exam

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There have been many advancements in eye exams. One of these exams is called the Optical Coherence Tomography scan, or OTC. This type of exam uses light waves to enhance imaging and gain a better understanding of what is happening within the eye. If you have upcoming exams in your schedule, considering the OTC may be an ideal option. Here are the benefits of the OTC exam. 

Children's Diagnosis

One of the leading benefits of an OTC exam is the ability to track and diagnose eye issues in children. With the use of OTC scanning and imagery, your optometrist can receive quick and accurate feedback. The feedback will show them the possible issues with your child's eyes and what the underlying cause of these issues may be as well. This will also give the optometrist a solid footing for creating a treatment plan, prescribing eyewear, and scheduling follow-up appointments. 

Progression Monitoring

With other forms of eye exams, it may be difficult to monitor eye changes over time. Your optometrist can gain a base level or standard idea of the eye issues and progression. However, with the use of the OTC exam, the optometrist can use the imaging to compare to previous imaging. This gives them an appointment-by-appointment visual of where the worst case of your eye health is and how fast it may be spreading throughout the eye and surrounding areas. This can also give optometrists an idea of how long a full progression may take or how long before blindness sets in. 

Additional Illness Diagnosis

An added benefit to the OTC exam is the ability to check for additional illnesses. This type of scanning and imaging exam can be an indicator of several major health issues. For example, it can show feedback that may suggest high blood pressure. It can also show early signs of breakdown or even diabetes. There are many illnesses, such as these, that an OTC exam can find easily, help diagnose, and in many cases lead to early attention and care. 

With these benefits in mind, you are in a better situation to request the OTC eye exam. Your optometrist will discuss the different options with you. They will also discuss if an OTC eye exam is the right option for your particular eye health and needs. If you have any questions, ask them during your first consultation. Your optometrist will answer your questions and discuss insurance coverage with you if applicable.

Contact a local eye clinic, such as Northwest Ophthalmology, to learn more. 
